Can you imagine? Swiss youths with challenges in life receive help from former street kids and youths from Nairobi’s slums! durchstart is a Swiss organisation that does work integration for youths with challenges. The founder Olivier Moos invited me and the street kids from Nai Nami to do an innovation workshop for his Swiss class.
“If a street child from Nairobi can do it, you can do it too!”
It was a huge success! We were connected live via Zoom and inspired each other. It started with a live tour in the Mathare slum followed by a mentoring session for the Swiss youths. It was fascinating to see what a positive impact ex-gangsters from an African slum can have on Swiss youths!
On the other hand, the Swiss youths developed amazing ideas for Nai Nami with the aim to create additional income during the pandemic: Selling branded Nai Nami masks and making dancing tutorials on TikTok were my favourite ones.
It was such a great experience and it showed me once more that building bridges can lead to awesome opportunities. A big thank you to Olivier Moos – founder of durchstart – for making this happen!